Archive for the 'The Office' Category


Oh glory be – it’s getting busier here at work!  You may have thought I actually enjoyed playing solitaire all day, but it’s really not what I’d prefer to be getting paid for.  I’d really prefer to get paid for reading books and listening to music and watching music, but oh well. 

The weekend beckons and I’m glad to be gone from here for a couple of days.  Too much drama – other people’s personal and office dramas.  Since I’m a one-woman show here in accounting/human resources-land, I have no alliances with any other employees to uphold.  This makes me like Switzerland.   Everyone likes me, so when an employee quits or is fired, I’m the safe person to go to for information regarding final paychecks and insurance benefits and what-not – or the person they can call after they leave if they need to know something later.  It makes me the good guy all the time and I like it that way.  No hard feelings here in Switzerland.  Does that make me a slightly codependent, people pleaser?   Maybe, I guess.

 Change of subject:  I made Ken turn off Jeff Foxworthy’s show, “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” after only seeing about 2 minutes of it last night,  declaring that I already work with enough people who are definitely NOT smarter than 5th graders.  

Favorite quote from The Office last night: 
“Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice…uh, strike three.”

 Happy weekend to all.

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